Become a Member Today. 

Our membership represents a broad range of members, including non-profit developers, for-profit developers, lenders, management companies, accountants, lawyers, attorneys, market analysts, and financial advisers. 

Want to become a member? Download a copy of the application, select your membership type and remit it to our office along with dues payment.   

Corporate Membership $550

Any business, firm, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, individual professional or other legal business entity directly involved in the development of affordable housing or that provides services, supplies or equipment to the affordable housing industry and is interested in its welfare, complies with MAAHP bylaws, pays current dues, and meets required membership qualifications, is eligible for active membership in MAAHP and is entitled to one vote, eligibility for service on the Board of Directors and all committees following appointment

Nonprofit Membership $400

Any nonprofit business, corporation, or other legal business entity directly involved in the development of affordable housing or that provides services, supplies or equipment to the affordable housing industry and is interested in its welfare, complies with MAAHP bylaws, pays current dues, and meets required membership qualifications, is eligible for active membership in MAAHP and is entitled to one vote, eligibility for service on the Board of Directors, and all committees following appointment.

Associate Membership $300

Governmental Membership $100

Educator/Student Membership $50

Any business, firm, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, individual professional or other legal business entity directly involved in the development of affordable housing or that provides services, supplies or equipment to the affordable housing industry and is interested in its welfare, may join MAAHP by meeting the qualifications and paying dues determined by the Board of Directors. This active membership is not entitled to a vote nor hold elected office in MAAHP, but may serve on committees at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Any individual employed in the public sector who is associated with or responsible in any manner for the regulation, assistance, financing or oversight of the affordable housing industry may join MAAHP after meeting the qualifications and paying dues determined by the Board of Directors. This active membership is not entitled to a vote nor hold an elected office.

Any individual affiliated with an institution of higher learning and whose field of study and expertise is related to affordable housing may join MAAHP by meeting the qualifications and paying dues determined by the Board of Directors. This active membership is not entitled to a vote nor hold an elected office.


Memberships are for a twelve month period and are due annually in January.